As you might have guessed, I’m very easily annoyed these days – except by curmudgeonly old ladies, obviously. I’m a great believer in respecting our elders, personally I think they are given nowhere near enough respect in our society and yet they have so much to offer. Except those who are totally demented and drool all over the place. Them I can do without. Do I think that because I’ll be joining them in the not so distant future? That is indeed something to think about. However, rudeness annoys the fuck out o f me wherever it comes from. When I’m about to step on the bus and you push ahead of me, I don’t care how much of a little old lady you are, it’s just plain rude. (And this woman must not have been that old, maybe 65-70 or so, which doesn’t quite qualify her as a little old lady. Funny how when you reach 40+, 70 doesn’t seem so old anymore.) If you stand there, I’ll no doubt let you pass, however if you barrel past me, forget being nice, it just makes me want to trip you and watch you fall flat on your face. I’m evil that way.
It’s 8C in Montreal today (mid-40sF). It’s also 10 days before Christmas. Now, much as I like not floundering about in slush up to my knees, this whole balmy weather thing freaks me right the fuck out. Vancouver, who should be having this weather, is getting 20 inch snow storms and freaky-ass wind storms. Weird weird weird.

I’m going to the cottage this weekend for the first time in a month. It came to me that maybe the lack of unstructured cottage time might be partly responsible for my shitty mood (that and the fact that November was the sunlessest November in 50 years and that December seems to be vying for the same distinction). I'm used to going up every weekend so this is a first for me. I miss my birdies, I gotta feed my birdies, I must spend numerous hours mesmerized by the window watching the birdies do... well, watching them eat and shit basically. Jebus, I need a life. But this is not blog discussion. Posts about my moods are surely not that high on your to-read list.
I really have to get into the habit of jotting down blog ideas somewhere (so long as it’s not on post-its obviously). Yesterday I wrote a perfect blog entry in my little head on the way home from work. It was edited half a million times until it was at the point of bloggy perfection. When will you have access to this small masterpiece? Never. Cuz it’s gone because I was too damn stupid to write down what it was all about. See, I told you my mood sucks. I rarely tell myself I’m stupid anymore, except in this past month, and I'm making up for lost time.
Shaddap Jazz, go away, you're annoying me.
I'm loving seeing your cottage; I want you to undergo hypnosis to help you recall your lost Blog Post Perfection; and you're wrong, I, for one, really DO want to read about your moods. Carry on!
Jocelyn - thanks. what more can I say...
I actually have a notebook full of blog notes, and do my best to add an idea to it whenever it comes into my head...
You know what...there's a good blog in that story alone...
Hmmmm... ;)
Steve - in my case there would be a good story in all the blog ideas I actually lost over time...
Heh kiddo don't be so hard on yourself. It's normal to lose some mental acuity as you age. Just think where you'll be in a couple of years. LOL Yeah I know what your thinking, I'm older than you, that's why I'm your big brother, and that's why I post less blogs... can't remember my name anymore.
"What's my name and where's my lunchbox?" ;o)
can I come watch birds do bird stuff at your cottage?
The cottage sounds great! And I hate people assuming just because they are pensioners they can queue jump too. I am a cantankerous beast sometimes.
BB - your name is big brother and you don't use a lunchbox.
Lhia - anytime babygirl, anytime
Toast - I love that I'm not the only cantakerous beast out there.
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