You all know my feelings about the proverbial white stuff. I've never made a secret of it - not a big fan of winter.
Unfortunately, unlike most of her green batrachian kind the Jazzer can't just dig under the mud and hibernate for a few months. It's that whole damn earning a living thing... Not a big fan of earning a living either. It's highly overrated.
And so.
It's snowing on Montreal. Coming down like there's no tomorrow. Or today. Depending on the media and how given they are to blowing stuff out of proportion we're expecting anything from 10 to 35 cm of snow (you Americans can convert it yourselves, there are tons of handy metric converters on the internet, gotta love the internet for sparing us the bother of calculating it in our poor overworked heads). Is it just me or is there a HUGE margin for error here? It's like weather prediction in the 21st century is still a crystal ball thing.
Most likely, we'll end up with something like 5 cm.
Aside: OK, I did it. I'm anal that way. I couldn't just leave it. So we're expecting anywhere from 4 to 14 (give or takes) inches.
And so.
People will be acting as if they've never seen snow before today. As if this were a first. As if they and their ancestors and the ancestors before their ancestors all the way up to the first moron off the boat who thought it would be a wonderful idea to settle here didn't get masses of snow every winter. Hell people it's not like you don't KNOW what winter is all about. Get over it!
Except me. Cause I don't bitch about the heat so I can bitch about winter. So there. Them's my rools.
And so.
Schools were closed already this morning before the snow even started. In case. I remember when schools would be closed only if the storm had already hit overnight. Yeah, I know. I know. I'm becoming my "back-when-we-were-kids" parents. You know, the you-young'uns-have-it-so-much-easier school of thought. In my defense, several people at work said the same thing when they got in. Either we're all getting old or everyone is a wuss today. Even in the latter case, we are all getting old regardless.
Sometimes I wonder, since it's getting so much easier for each subsequent generation, how mankind has actually managed to survive thus far. The mind boggles.
And so.
Traffic will be hell tonight; lots of people with no winter tires yet - because remember, we never get snow here in December, and everyone will be all traumatized that yeah, it's actually happened, we've gotten snow.
On a day like this, there's something to be said for public transport.
And so
Tonight and tomorrow it'll be news. Headliner on radio and TV. Front page in the papers. Because lordamighty we actually got snow in Montreal. SNOW!!! Who'da thunk it? Goddamn! It might actually displace Tiger and his ever more numerous female companions who keep oozing out of the woodwork.
People are morons.
Would you like snow more if your work was closed like the schools?
98% I tell you. 98%.
Living in a country where it pours rains during wintertime, I think you should never, ever complain about snow.
Tick - nope, not even. I'm already done with snow...
ChooChoo - Indeed. I'm more and more inclined to agree.
Guillaume - Sorry. You know how around here people complain as soon as it hits 30 degrees, then complain as soon as it's snowing? I think you can complain about one or the other. You'll never hear me complain about the heat, but I loathe winter and cold and snow with a vengeance. I think I must be working off some really bad karma in this lifetime.
Thanks for the conversion. Any inches is too many for me. Do you think we could make our living in Costa Rica Jazz? Flights are pretty cheap. If they don't close your airport.
There have been a lot of people whining FOR snow for the last 3 weeks -- all worried that we weren't going to get any for Christmas. WTF? Like if we get snow at the beginning of December it's still going to be around for Christmas.
we got 4 inches of wet gloopy stuff and ton of accidents. it sucks and my toes are cold!
and so.
I have the same rule - I don't complain about the heat (and we get much hotter heat here!) because I want to save it all up for bitter complaints about the cold.
We had so much snow last winter here in Vancouver, so this year, I'm gonna be prepared! I actually bought snowtires for the first time ever and they've been on my car for a month now. Now we have snow predicted for the weekend, and I'm almost excited to see how my tires will perform. Almost.
You are to winter in Montreal as I am to Summer in Fort Worth. We both hate it yet love our cities in the other 3 seasons. Damn those three months!!
Gaelyn - Costa Rica.... sounds lovely, when do we leave? Ya know, it takes a helluva lot to close an airport around here.
XUP - and in three weeks they're the ones who'll be whining because there's too much snow
Rachel - And so...
SAW - If we lived closer to each other we could complain bitterly over a bottle of wrestler wine.
Pinklea - Almost. Yeah.
Geewits - I wish it was only three months, around here winter is more like five. And yes, I love Montreal and I'll always love Montreal - it's not its fault...
Jazz, I too hate hate hate snow in any form. Won't drive in it, never. Just finished shoveling my sidewalk and driveway in 3 degree temps. It looks pretty but I would trade it for a beach and a palm tree any day.
No enjoying the beach and palm trees today---it is gray, ugly and pouring rain. Costa Rica is a safer bet...
wowzer. It's slightly chilly here.
Right on, my northern froggy friend!
My particular gripe is with my city government. Every year - without fail - word comes down in January that there is no money left in the budget for snow plowing and there will have to be cutbacks in other areas to make up for it. Either that, or taxes will have to be raised.
Um, excuse me? We get snow every winter. You knew it was coming. It came last year, it came the year before that, on back to when we were part of England, for goodness' sakes. Plan it out, will you? Dopes.
And, I kid you not, my word verification is WORSEST.
Mary - beaches and palm trees are hard to beat.
E - Let's all go to Costa Rica and open some sort of blogging commune.
Hagel - I'm sure your slightly chilly would seem positively balmy to me.
Suldog - they do that here too. I just LOVE when word verification fits the subject!
We diverge profoundly on our feelings about heat and cold...but we can agree on people often being morons. HUG.
Yes. It really is more like 5 months here too: hot as hell May through September
I love the IDEA of snow but the reality in the city is a nightmare of slippery pavements and roads. And the snow soon turns to slush and is one big mess.
Snow looks lovely in the countryside and, if you don't have to go out to work, it's great to sit by a pub fire, pint in hand, and watch the flakes come down. otherwise....
Joce - Yep, we do agree on things other than the weather: morons, the benefits of wine...
Geewits - Yep, five months is over the top - at least where cold is concerned... Heat I can deal with.
Dumdad - That's the only time I like snow too. Roaring fire, glass of wine, good company, snow falling... that I can get into.
I think it's pretty!
Jeaux - you don't have to live with it. If I lived in the south, I might find snow pretty too.
it's amazing to me to think snow can be such a top news story. every now and then it's nice to be snowed in though.
Not to gloat, or anything, but where is our snow? We have had NOTHING.
Your picture sure is pretty, though.
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