I first discovered forums on a magazine website. The first one I went to was a surprising world, to say the least. A world of discussion and exchange and drama and hissy fits and playground shenanigans with all the fights and bitch slapping one is wont to find in a girl's playground. What fun it was to watch. Until you get sick of it and move on. Before I moved on however I met she who would eventually be known as Running Goddess, an expat Montrealer who became a really good online friend. Then when she came to town, we met and became really good real friends.
"Wow", I thought, "And here I've been told all these innernet people are crazed serial killers!"
Who knows perhaps she's just waiting for the right moment all these years later.
I moved on to other forums, which for some reason were always filled with women and the same griping and bitching and drama. These places seem to be tailor made for drama queens, who gravitate to them in droves. And yet I hit it off with several people, among them ChooChoo, who I have yet to meet - Scandinavia is a long long hop away. Besides, it's cold there. I don't do cold if I can help it at all. And who knows, they might get a freak snowstorm in the middle of summer. You never know! However, we have been talking for about 4-5 years now at least a few times a week. I think it's safe to say she's not a psycho killer bitch (though she does have a psycho bitch boss - but that's not my story to tell.).
On yet another forum (or was it the same) I met Purple Goddess (yeah, I seem to have a thing for goddesses, being a frog you'd think princesses, but nope, I set my sights higher). She hails from Oz (or Australia if you're a stickler for detail) and when we went to Melbourne we called her. And were promptly invited to dinner. Our friend loaned us his cell phone "in case you have to leave really quick and need a lift". Of course he wasn't taking into account that it would be hard to wait for a lift in case of serial killer psychosis as he lived 3/4 of an hour away. Details! We hit it off splendidly. And when we returned to Oz several years later, PG and Furry (her husband, don't ask) loaned us their house by the sea for a week. That, people is above and beyond the call of innerwebz friendship.
Closer to home, a couple of years ago we went to Texas to see a friend in the Dallas area. I called Geewits and we met up with her for dinner. By this time I was pretty sure she wouldn't be an ax-wielding serial killer, I had the statistics on my side. And indeed she wasn't. A touch of insanity perhaps, but if you read her blog you know that. Geewit's brain is like god. It works in mysterious ways. Her blog is exactly like the woman I met, lovable, warm and quirky. Plus she has that southern accent.
Geez, this is getting long. Who knew. And I haven't even reached the point of this post yet...
Later on, back in Quebec, I got an email from XUP inviting me to spend the weekend in Ottawa because Violet Sky was in town for the tulip festival (the wet and frigid festival it should've been called this year). I had already met Violet Sky in Toronto and had a great meal with her, and was thrilled to see her again. Toss XUP into the mix and add a dash of Alison, and you have a helluva Friday evening. Imagine it: wine and cheese and four middle aged women. Middle aged women have years of stuff to bitch about and it was a wonderful time. Add an Ottawa bloggers breakfast to the mix along with the wet and frigid festival and you have the makings of a great weekend.
And now, finally, I've gotten to the point of my post (Yes! See I can do it if I try!). Because last night I met Paula, a wonderful illustrator who hails from Texas (and who let me know of some great places to go when we went there), and lives in, of all places, Montreal. The things love will make you do. She and her husband invited us to go sailing yesterday evening.
Yeah, I know - me... a boat. Doesn't bode well. But unlike the pedal boat, no bailing out was needed on this vessel. It was a wonderful evening, even when the boat was pretty much over on its side (now that, my friends is beyond cool). 'Twas not quite as thrilling as jumping out of an airplane for my 40th birthday, but it was way way up there. The water slapping the sides of the boat, the sunset, the birds, the other sailboats. I love love loved it. As did Mr. Jazz. I could've stayed out there forever.
And so once more a wonderful meeting of minds. No serial killers to be found. Nary a one. I'm beginning to think that it's all an urban legend.
It's great meeting people you know you'll like, and pretty much already know through their blogs and behind the scenes emails. I'll leave you with a few pics of the evening.
Stunning photos! And who knew the (forums) would lead to so many great stories and memories!!! :)
you've got a lot of... courage haha
Kay - Yeah, really, I'm a hero, no a doubt about it! Facing adversity and danger to bring you blog posts.
It is so very cool to meet face to face with folks we've met online. I was pretty nervous when I entered my first forum. Yet I didn't have the kind of luck you did. Guess I didn't go to the right places. Yet blogging certainly has made for some fast friendships. May we get to meet one day also.
Word verification: gabbing
Not to be overly-critical of such a nice post, but the term is "Batting 1.000" (verbalized as "batting a thousand", but that's how it is written, being a baseball term and all.)
Great pics, Jazz! I could joke and say we just forgot to sharpen our knives or something(though we had plenty of ropes and tarps for choking, bundling bodies, etc. Eegads. That sounds like too much work! Probably why most of us don't follow through with the impulse. Not that we had an impulse to do so last night...I seriously digress!)
ANYwaaaay...A great posting, documenting all the internet folks you've successfully met over the years! We are happy to be a part of that perfect record! Thanks for coming out and it was great meeting you both!
(WV: "scroca"
Hmmm - it's interesting to know that you're willing to meet some of your online acquaintances more than once!
Gaelyn - When I get back down to your area, you better believe we will meet.
Suldog - I would never presume to argue with you about a baseball term. You da man when it comes to baseball. It will be fixed. "Batting for 1000" will disappear into the ether of the innertubes.
Paula - Um, yeah... so... Indian food soon?
XUP - Any of them. Even you. Next time I'll cancel the cottage.
~~This is a record turnaround for you of getting pictures up on your blog! I'm starting to think that since you've been so lucky with your blogmeets that it's YOU. You're the common denominator. You're the only one I've met that I would want to see again and hang out with. I had a great time with you guys and felt like I was out with old friends.
I really love these pictures. I haven't been on a sailboat in over 20 years and it is such a wonderful thing. And thanks for your description of me!
Nice photos of the water. There is something so soothing about water.
If the neighbour keeps up the damn construction, I may turn psycho killer yet. Three weeks and counting...
You remind me that I don't read Violet Sky's blog enough these days...and I should discover that fellow expat Montrealer.
Fabulous post and photos, Jazz. I've only met one blogger friend in person and it was as you say, a great experience. Perhaps one day, I'll meet more, and you're right. Middle-aged women do have a lot to talk about...
"even" me?? Wow! No. Don't ever cancel the cottage.
aw, Guillaume I have missed you.
did someone mention cottage.....
Geewits - yeah, isn't it just though? I actually brought the camera into work this morning. I was hella impressed with myself, and you're making me blush. What? you don't wanna see Ms. Vancouver again? Whyever not? ;-)
Janet - oh yeah, there is! I love the water.
choochoo - Naw, somehow I see you as more evil and underhanded than just going out and whacking the guy.
Guillaume - get back there!
e - yah, you just can't shut us up.
XUP - well, if I have your permission not to...
VS - come on down! or up? Whatever, you're welcome to come.
It was pretty cool meeting you too! I don't think I've been disappointed when meeting any blog/forum friends yet. And no axe murderers for me either. Which is kind of sad, because, could you imagine the blog fodder you'd get out of an axe murderer? Supposing you didn't become a victim, of course.
I've only actually met two bloggers in person, although I hope to meet more someday.
Wow, wow, wow. And I mean that for both the post and the pictures. Jazz, honey, I love what you wrote here--you make a case that goes against everything the scoffers say about the Internet and social relationships and blogging. I wish you'd turn this into an article and shop it around; I bet some magazine is looking for the "new" angle on blogging by now.
LOVE this.
Lovely pictures, nice stories, but I'm still afraid of serial killers.
who knows what frogs are capable of...
so glad you had another great meetup. i have met several fellow bloggers and without exception each meeting has been a delight.
Alison - I've never thought of attempted murder (on me no less) as blog fodder, but damn, it would make for a good blog post. Maybe XUP will try to murder me this weekend when we meet up again.
SAW - if ever I'm in your part of the world, I'll let you know.
Joce - turn it into an article and shop it around? You have my permission to do so if you like.
Joanie - We're mostly harmless, except when people start talking about eating our legs. Then the blood lust comes out.
Lime - You too? So where are those serial killers all hiding?
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