Ain't he cute that little guy to the right? Shouldn't he be sitting in front of a computer though?
Ian, over at Or So I Thought bestowed upon me this lovely award. It was great to see this after a hellish Monday, and knowing that Tuesday will probably be just as bad. Thank you Ian for thinking I scribble superiorily -yeah, I know, not a word, but there you go. Does that lose my my superiority in scribbldom?
Looking at this award though, I'm struck at how we no longer write. On paper. With a pen. Other than my journal (which means, I suppose that I write for "real" more than most people), I don't use pen and paper anymore to do anything other than jotdown shopping lists and notes to myself to remember this that or the other. Actually, I find myself jotting more note as the years go by and the old brain begins to turn to mush.
I can't remember the last time I took the time to sit down with my pen to write a letter to someone. A real, chatty email of a letter. A how're you doing, last week I this and that happened and on and on. I used to write a couple of 5-10 page letters a week. No longer. It's sad really, because somehow, typing doesn't hold a candle to the sensation of a fountain pen sliding on a good sheet of paper. Anyone want a letter?
Change is good, but sometimes what you leave behind, though it's much slower and less efficient, is even better....
Well, enough maudlin bullshit.
I don't know how many people I'm supposed to pass this onto, but I'll do two men and two women:
Dumdad - an expat journalist Brit living in Paris, his blog has been one of my favourites since I discovered him through... hell I don't even remember how I discovered him.
Joe - A writer photographer living in Florida. His photos are awesome. He takes ordinary moments and makes them extraordinary. His short stories are wonderful. Sort of like his pictures. Only problem is they don't come often enough.
Jocelyn - Everyone's favourite Midwesterner. College teacher and smartass, if her life is as hilarious as what she writes she must spend all her time laughing.
XUP - The Ex Urban Pedestrian. I discovered her with her first blog, where she was writing about being a pedestrian in the city. Literally. It was all about walking and the evils of cars. It was great. She returned and is a prolific and hilarious blogger. Read her if you haven't already. READ. HER. BLOG.
And because I like to break the rules when I can (and I haven't been able to do much of that lately) even if they're my stoopid rools, here's another:
Dorky Dad - He's insane. And funny. And his stories about family life have me on the floor laughing. I need laughs. Thus I love him. I'm a simple creature I am.
And to all you others I follow religiously, it's for you too, so if you want it take it.
Edited to add: Dumdad pointed out that he had given me a Dummy way back in February. A Dummy. All for myself. My very own Dummy. But since I'm an idiot, I had never noticed. Thank you Dumdad for recognizing my dummyness.
