Sunday, July 04, 2010

I'z sick of it, i iz

Or at least I was. So I'm testing a new look. I'll update my blogrolls, try and put in tabs...

And we'll see how incredibly I screw up.


Anonymous said...


Carry on, my long-legged, green friend.

e said...

I like your new look, Jazz. I also understand how it is to be bored with one's blog. I'll be making some changes to mine as time allows.

Gaelyn said...

So far so good. I've been thinking of a face lift but just haven't found the time.

Kay said...

if it aint broke, don't fix it...

I'll never change!! :)

Although, I like the new look...

Anonymous said...

I think I like the new look - very simple and streamlined. Makes me think that maybe my blog is due for a facelift ...

pj said...

Yup. It looks fresh, alright! Have fun playing with a "look"

Anonymous said...

Fun. I've been thinking of doing that, too. Classy look, truly.

secret agent woman said...

I like it. Very clean. Except it caused me to notice I'm not in your blogroll!

Jocelyn said...

I like the switch-up and am pretending I'm typing right now on an ancient scroll found in the burial site of a pharoah.

Except then I'd be defacing a valuable artifact, so maybe I'll stop now.

Big Brother said...

Interesting, the old parchment look is good. Goes well with your age. ;o)

Jazz said...

Rachel - I will carry on. It might still change a hole lot before I'm done. Maybe I'll add puppy dogs and pink puffy clouds!

e - Thanks. I'm hoping the change in look will also inspire me to start blogging more again.

Gaelyn - Yeah, it's going to be a while before I get it all set up like I want, I think. Problem is, I have other stuff to do. My life is getting in the way of my blogging!

Kay - I was meh with the old look until I started disliking it, and then hating it. It was broke :-D

Pink - Go for it.

PJ - Thanks. Coming from an artist that means much.

Ian - Thanks. God will I start a revolution? Everyone changing their blogs?

SAW - That's the next thing I'm going to attack. That blogroll is probably 4 years old. I no longer remember some of those blogs.

Joce - Nothing valuable here. It's just an illusion... ;-)

lime said...

i like it!

Guillaume said...

Hey, the blog looks different! I love the background, it gives it texture.