Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Sex in the City

Ladies and gentlemen, drumroll please....

Last night I watched the first three episodes of Sex in the City on DVD. Which means that I am no longer the only "Sex" virgin in the known universe. I've lost my cherry and am now in the know. Sweet.


Another first last night. For the first time ever, really I flirted with insomnia. Not good. It major sucked, especially since I'm the type who goes to bed and is dead to the world for hours within about 20 minutes. Not last night. Last night I lay there, staring at the ceiling, listening to my sweetie sleep (might I add, envious as all get out, I felt like waking him just because). Laying there, frustration building, which probably fed the insomnia, which simply made me all the more frustrated and, well, you get the picture.

I thought about all sorts of things, among them altering a book (wonderful examples here, wondering whether I had the gumption to actually do it, what type of book I'd use, themes, and all that. I've developed a fascination lately with collaging and altered books, illustrated journals, people like Lynne Perrella, Sarah Fishburn, Teesha Moore, Beth Cote, and so many others.

It seems though, that every time I try, I have tons of ideas, it's all mapped out in my head, and somehow everything gets lost between my brain and my hands. I seem incapable of keeping the flow, of translating what's in my brain to reality. Somehow it all disappears before hitting the paper...


Anonymous said...

We must be twins. Truly. I could've written exactly what you wrote here-- spoooooooky.


Anonymous said...

Bummer with the insomnia bout. I'm just the opposite. If I can sleep WELL that's a treat. Hope you don't have a repeat.

I agree...those altered books are facinating. The 'movement' is relatively new to me. Are you going to try your hand at it?

I'm a newbie to Sex In The City, too. Been really enjoying the daily dose. Good show that I missed.

Carolyn said...

OMG... you , me and bluepoppy are triplets. I am still a SITC virgin though... I totally know what you mean about the Collage/Altered Book thing too. Teesha Moore is AWESOME. i'm not a huge fan however of altered art that relies heavily on the Victorian photographs... sometimes you cannot tell one altered artist from the next because they use so many of the same elements... one reason I love Teesha is that you immediatly know it's hers! She uses the Victorian (ie: Anonymous Dead people) elements but in a way that is not cutesy like so many others do.

BLAHBLAHBLAH, I am rambling...
Hope you are well!