And it seems to be official, the Conservative government (who has a surplus of 13 billion - yep that's BILLION - through no fault of their own obviously since they just came to power, though they will no doubt crow as if it were) will be giving Canadians a 1% cut on the sales tax. Nice of 'em. Course, since here in Quebec the Quebec Sales Tax (QST) is tacked on to the Federeal tax*, they stand to lose. I'm betting within a few months an annoucement will be made that the QST is being increased.
As for the surplus, why not simply dump the whole thing (or at least a huge portion of it) on the debt, pay the thing down? But what the hell do I know, I'm just a stupid taxpayer on a tight buget whose job it is to get screwed whichever way I turn.
And where the hell do they get a 13 billion surplus anyway. Don't they have accountants and such who actually calculate how much is coming in? Seems a government shouldn't be a for profit organization. They should have, basically, a 0 balance, shouldn't they? But what the hell do I know, I'm just a stupid tapayer on a tight buget whose job it is to get screwed whichever way I turn.
The older I get, the more it pisses me off. THAT IS MY FUCKING MONEY YOU ASSHATS!
*yep, you read right, Quebec taxes the Federal sales tax, God love 'em.