Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The world travellers have emailed again.

They took the bus or train from Bangkok to the Myanmar (Burma) boarder. They weren't allowed in - very selective these Myanmarese are. So they decided to spend a month in Laos. Then back to Bangkok to fly into Myanmar - apparently it's easier to get in that way.

Life's a bitch ain't it?


choochoo said...

But have they ever been to Hellhole?

Jazz said...

Choochoo - No they haven't. If they had they'd probably run home terrified and never travel again.

Jocelyn said...

Okay, Jazz, you need to take a trip. Got any savings? Any vacation time? I hear Thailand calling your name.


Hageltoast said...

i hear enmgland calling your name!! :)

Malnurtured Snay said...

They let Myarmese (sp?) in, how picky can they be :)

Malnurtured Snay said...

They let Myarmese (sp?) in, how picky can they be :)

Jazz said...

Jocelyn and Toast - the whole damn world is calling me!

Snay - It's not so much that they let the Mayanm.... Burmese (so much easier to go by the old name)... so,it's not so much they let them in, as they don't let them out! Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there...