Thursday, September 13, 2007

Big Brother Does Good

Well, BB figured that I was right, that the Nice Matters award was sorta, well, vomit inducing.

So he designed another one. A much better one, I think. If you compare it to the one beneath, I think you'll have no choice but to concur.

I particularly like the serpent curled around the tree trunk. And that master of the mind fuck, the Cheshire Cat. This appeals to my real nature. Yes indeedy.

Who knew the guy had a creative/artistic side? The mind boggles. Indeed it does.


Evil Spock said...

Oooh, that's so much better! Evil Spock will be proud to display that!

Though Evil Spock does look smashing in pink. . . .

Lhia said...

much better
pink is icky

geewits said...

Wow, BB's quite the gifted graphic artist!

Jazz said...

Evil Spock - Yes, I can just see you tearing down the road on your bike with pink ribbons streaming along behind you.

Lhia - Indeed

Geewits - Yeah, really! Who knew??

Jocelyn said...

I agree about that other pink abomination. I couldn't even put it on my blog. This one, however...