Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Today's incoherent spam

And I quote:

"And guess what you are worth living a life filled with fun, laughter, energy and love. Andres and colleagues point out that incorrect . You think they were not rejected? I'll let them introduce themselves, should they decide to oblige me. So, completely spoiled by instant, funny, inventive feedback, I'm going to start trying to post again. How did you learn to drive a car ? When l first started this my kids though I had finally lost all my marbles. Imagine for a second if Walt Disney had given up on his dream?And guess what you are worth living a life filled with fun, laughter, energy and the island, locate the site using a forensic geology and anthropology"

Now, they're not trying to sell me anything, obviously. It ain't no rich African prince trying to move his father's ill gotten gains out of the country. It's not one of those "Buy this stock now for pennies and become filthy rich in 10 days" spams.

It's... well, who the fuck knows what it is? It sounds like a collaboration between two foreigners using the 50 words of english they know between them to write the next bestselling novel.


Hageltoast said...

That is definately weird.

ticknart said...

It's Spam Poetry. Sometimes, it's brilliant. This one, not so much.

Jazz said...

Toast - yeah, ain't it though?

Ticknart - Not so much pretty much covers it.

choochoo said...

wery strange. You should write them back and try to sell _them_ something .

Steven said...

If Walt Dinsey had given up on his dream I wouldn't ahve wasted a ton of money on season passes. ;)


Jill said...

"to the island, locate the site using a forensic geology and anthropology"

Sounds like some sort of secret code for a map to a buried treasure to me. Anybody know anything about forensic geology? I bet we could make a fortune....