Monday, January 14, 2008

Rush Rush Rush Redux

Same old same old...

Ack! (again)



furiousBall said...

Big breath in, long exhale out.

Now make some armpit farts.

Feel better?

Tai said...

Busy girl! Hopes it's all fun stuff!

Anonymous said...

Is it rush time cuz of the holidays? Er, I mean, because of the time off during the holidays? Doesn't really matter, does it? : )

Jazz said...

Furiousball - I was never any good at armpit farts. How pathetic is that?

Tai - Work. Not fun. Bleh.

PJ - Rush time because everyone needs their work to go out at the same damn time....

Rachel said...

hang in there!
as my mother says : "this too, shall pass."

Jocelyn said...

Oh, honey, what ARE they making you do? My imagination is running wild, and in it they've got you on some sort of hamster wheel--yet, strangely, you have a pencil tucked behind an ear.

XUP said...

This might be a good time to take a blogging break. Your fans would miss you, of course, but it doesn't have to be for long. I shut mine down completely because it was taking over my life, but after a month or so I'm curious enough to check in once in a while with my favorite bloggers. It's much more sane this way.

Dave said...

Hang in there Jazz!! We ain't goin' nowhere! :-)

geewits said...

Call a temp agency and get some help!