You don't necessarily realize how bizarre a conversation is until you have it on IM. And it's saved. And you can read it again.
She - Patience, grasshopper
Me - Why grasshopper?
She - Why not? "patience, seaweed!" doesn't make any sense
Me - Well all things considered, nor does grasshopper
She - Makes more sense than monkey
Me - How so? It seems a monkey would be much more prone to impatience.
She - Alright, alright. Patience, monkey. Even better - patience, monkeyhopper!
Me - Monkeyhopper?
She - Mhm. I used both, see. Cause monkeys hop
Me - Patience, monkey.... patience, grasshopper. Grasshopper sounds better. Besides monkeys don't hop. They scamper.
She - Grassmonkey? Patience, grassmonkey.
Me - Crows hop. On the ground.
She - Grass-scamper. that's hard to fit into one word. Cause you need to use a - or say grasscamper, in which case it sounds like grass camper, which is just silly
So many of my conversations seem to end up sounding this way. Is this my conversational norm?
It's a scary thought.
Edit: I forgot to add that "she" is the infamous Choochoo
Ah, have patience. It looks like an oriental grasshopper. Maybe a guru.
Chatting with an old friend is just like that.
What about the Gronkey? Ancestor of the notorious Kwyjibo, "a big, dumb, balding North American ape, with no chin...and a short temper"
Naaaaaa!... your conversation is per-fect-ly normal !!!
... well, most of the time !!! LOL
However your convos are, don't stop because that was funny as all hell. :)
And still it was recyclable as a blog post...
(Sorry. Any time I hear that. it triggers a 'Cheers' flashback.)
Any conversation that makes for good blog fodder is worth having.
Looks perfectly normal to me.
Alrighty then. How about ChooJazz?
But then again maybe she doesn't taste so good.
you are such a hoot!:)
I guess you didn't know it was just a regular phrase from the old TV show "Kung Fu." A grasshopper is an apprentice and apprentices seem to be rather impatient. Thankfully you didn't know that and we got to see a goofy conversation, seaweed.
I too immediately thought you were about to embark on a post about Kung Fu; a "take the pebble from my hand" moment. Perhaps take the grass-scamper from my hand?
Grasshopper, there is wisdom in all traditions, every ritual, including inane conversations.
Gaelyn - An oriental grasshopper...
Mr. Jazz - Simpsons??
Maviopog - you should know.
Rachel - glad you liked.
XUP - I'm a big fan of recycling.
Suldog - where everybody knows your naaaame...
SAW - this is true.
Choochoo - it would
Bonnie - Choojazz... hmmm
Susan - thank you!
Geewits - I had no clue. I love how you know everything.
Dumdad - Am I the only one who didn't know this?
Pouty - Amen.
I've had email chains with my friend/co-worker (and you need that hyphen or it looks like 'cow orker' which is just wrong) that were as silly and funny as that. And I've kept some. Never thought of them for blog fodder. Good idea!
ya know, some of our dinner table conversations are very bit aas weird and they aren't typed out.
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