Ian, over at
Or So I Thought has just tagged me for a meme. For which I thank him, because my head has been desperately empty these past days and I couldn’t for the life of me get my ass in gear to write something, there was simply nothing there.
This meme entails that I tell you five ways in which I raise my vibrations.
Of course there’s the obvious, that vibrator that’s been living in the bedside table for years now, but I guess that’s not what we’re talking about here. (Hey, c’mon, this blog is rated R, I’m just too damn old to clean up my act). And that little paragraph was actually Google's fault all the images it pulled up for vibrations was either Beach Boys or sexual... go figure.
OK, so, five things.
1) First and foremost and forever (ain’t I just the bestest at alliteration?) –
Mr. Jazz. He’s always there for me, he makes me laugh hysterically and my life is just so much better for having him in it. It’s been almost 20 years and I’ve never been bored. Our relationship has gone from butterflies in the belly and fireworks to something way less, well intense, perhaps for want of a better word, but way more comfortable and deep and loving, and even better I’d say. Besides I’m not sure I could have sustained the intensity of butterflies and fireworks for 20 years. After all these years I’m still discovering things about him. After all these years we have this telepathy thing going on where we know what the other is thinking. Plus, he knows why beds were invented and can get me vibrating in a flash…
Books – Always books. I am an avid reader. I have been ever since I was a child. Our house was full of books and none of them were off limits. I’ll read pretty much anything in French or English, and like Ian, I cannot conceive of a bathroom without reading material. I’m never bored with a book and it’s my great escape from life when things get to be too much. I’m very good at escaping into other worlds. I spend a lot of time there, much more than I should, perhaps.
I read all the time, on the bus, in lines, walking down the street (I have a radar I swear), and I’m incapable of leaving the house without a book. I. Can.
Not. Do. It. Being caught without a book is my own little phobia.
Marillion – Nuff said, you all know my passion for Marillion (and it’s a plus that the name is from Tolkien – remember the Simarillion?) I’d put down Tokien as a vibration inducer, consider him part of item 2…I guess I could also include music generally under this heading. Chet Baker, Miles Davis, Beethoven, Bach, Mozart… Britney Spears. (Ha! Gotcha!)
Green – Live green stuff. Its smell, its colour. Thus, it follows, summer. I’m a summer whore. I love summer with a passion. Life, it seems, can’t be really really awful in summer. I come alive in summer. Surprisingly, despite my love of green, I’m extremely adept at killing plants. They usually don’t survive more than a few months with me. Except for lucky bamboo. The mutant bamboo (which is actually a variety of dracaena – trivia makes me vibrate too…) on my desk is still going strong. Frighteningly so. It has to be lucky to come into contact with me and survive.
Blogging – It pretty much started out as a joke which I figured would last a couple of months, six at most. After perusing a ton of blogs I figured, “Hey! I can do that.” And probably better than some of the things I read. Then I discovered just how much I liked doing it. And I found my groove, what type of blogging I wanted to do and that was that. I’ve never looked back. I think basically it’s the writing . I love to write, I’ve been keeping a journal since I was 12 and it has kept me sane and vibrating way more often than scribbling should. Blogging is different in that it’s not as personal, more of a commentary and, well, hell, I’m going around in circles here. I just like doing it, ok?
There are tons of other things of course: good friends, good food, good wine (un-good wine just makes me sick), the cottage when the toilet can be flushed and I can take a shower (so not so much these days), a hot cup of tea, making collages (to soothe my inner really really really bad artist, Bwahaha)…
And now I’m supposed to tag five people. I usually don't, but this time I will because I’m feeling evil today and enjoy putting people on the spot…Actually it’s hard keeping it to five, so anyone else who wants to can have a stab at it…
Big Brother – because he’ll find a way to make fun of me over this entry and that way I’ll be able to laugh at him too.
ChooChoo – Because I don’t want her to be dulled during her long long long summer vacation.
Paula – Because I’m very curious about this fellow Montrealer
Ticknart – Because he needs to think good thoughts right now I think
Geewits – Because as she's one of the newer people on my bloglist, I'm curious as to what she'll say...
And for good measure
Jocelyn because 1) I try to not follow rules when I can get away with it - such a rebel I am and 2) I'm sure she'll have me in stiches with her answers...
Now, off y'all go and answer the meme...