Thursday, January 04, 2007

I love this quote...

"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the complete works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know that is not true." - Robert Wilensky

Whoever he is... though I'm pretty sure he's not a Wilensky of Montreal's Wilensky Light Lunch fame. (It's not the food, it's the atmosphere). A scene from Duddy Kravitz was filmed here.

Not that that has anything to do with anything.

It just dawned on me that the quote says something about bloggers... I choose to believe it doesn't pertain to me or any of the bloggers I like. So there!


choochoo said...

Are you saying that Shakespear wasn't a monkey? That's it - I want my money back!

Dan said...

Are you saying that bloggers are a bunch of monkeys sitting at keyboards? You can't be saying that, can you? No. No way.

Jazz said...

Choochoo - No he wasn't but his sidekick was.

Dan - I have no idea what I'm saying. Obviously Mr. Wilensky thinks so. But not me. MY bloggers at any rate aren't monkeys at keyboards. Nope. We're all witty and brilliant no less.

Jill said...

As long as nobody starts throwing feces, I think we'll be OK.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Shakespeare steal his material just like we do?

Jazz said...

Jill - Yes, that might be a touch annoying. Feces flinging demotes you from witty and brilliant to simian in a flash.

Neil - Yup, ineed he did!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I remember that scene from the movie! I didn't know the place was still in business. Well, that would be the perfect place to bring out-of-towners to see a piece of 'early immigrant' montreal (Frommer's description! Heh!) Thanks for the tip.

Jazz said...

PJB - Yeah, it's still in business, though sometimes I wonder why. The food is, to say the least, um... well, it's the atmosphere. A piece of the 50s.